PRO Manicure Course
PRO Manicure Course is an educational program designed to teach individuals the skills and techniques required to professionally care for and beautify the nails and hands.
This course includes the latest trends and techniques in the evaluation and processing of the cuticles and nail bed care, and contains theoretical and practical lessons ideally combined with each other.
This Course includes:
5 electronic books
18 video lessons
At the end of the course you will receive an accredited certificate.
E-Book Manicure Foundation
E-Book includes:
- Personal Standarts and Practice
- Disinfection and Sterilisation
- Health and Safety
E-Book Manicure Guide
E-Book includes:
- manicure treatment planing
- manicure procedure
- aftercare and maintenance
- consultation form
- nail products storage
- hand and nail care products
- manicure treatments pricing
- promotional ideas
E-Book Anatomy and Physiology
E-book includes:
- Anatomy of the upper extremities
- Hand Anatomy
- Skin structure
- Skin Diseases
- Nail anatomy and structure
- Types of nail plates
- Nail diseases
E-Book Equipment and Tools
E-Book Includes:
- workplace set up
- accessories
- consumables and cosmetics
- cutting instuments
- drill bits
- files and buffers
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
E-Book Manicure Techniques
E-Book includes:
- Types of Manicure Services
- Nail Measurments
- Nail Shapes
- Classical Manicure Technology
- E-File Manicure Technology
- Combinated Manicure Technology
Lesson 1. Nail Anatomy and Physiology
Understanding hand anatomy and physiology is crucial for several reasons. it demonstrates your professionalism in the nail industry. It wiil help you to:
- Client consulatation and assessment
- Safty Precautions
- Proper nail techniques
- Selections of Products and Treatments
In this lesson you will understand mainfunctions and properties of nail apparatus
Lesson 2. Nail Measurements and Shapes
This lesson includes proper formulation of the correct measurements and shapes. Understanding nail measurements and shapes is crucial for a nail technician as it directly impacts the outcome of their work and the satisfaction of their clients. After this lesson you'll be able:
- to create ideal proportions of the width and the length of the nail
- to create perfect hand look
- to master the correct technique of nail shaping
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 3. Hand Positions
In this lesson you will understand how to position yor clients hands to facilitate the work procces.
Proper hand positioning ensures the client and nail master is comfortable throughout the treatment, reducing any potential discomfort or strain on their hands and wrists.
Positioning the client's hand correctly allows the technician easy access to each nail and cuticle, ensuring thorough and precise work without causing any accidental harm.
By positioning the hand correctly, the technician can provide a manicure that looks neat and professionally done, enhancing the overall appearance and longevity of the treatment.
Lesson 4. Classical manicure.
Classic Manicure - traditional manicure with the usage of a warm water bath and proffesional tools. This Video Lesson describe the definitions of this type of manicure technique and detaild description of each step. You will know:
- When we can use Classical Manicure Technique
- What skin type is suitable for Classical technique
- Classical Manicure manicure stages
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 5. E-file manicure definition. Necessary Equipment and Tools.
An e-file manicure, also known as dry manicure or russian manicure, involves the use of an electronic nail file and drill bits. This method is often used in professional nail salons and by experienced nail technicians.
This Lesson describe the definitions of this type of manicure technique and detaild description of the equipment and tools we will work with. You will understand.
- When we can use e-file manicure
- What skin type is suitable for this technique
- How to choose diamond drill bits
- How to use e-file machine
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 6. E-file manicure Stages. Cuticle Push.
In this lesson you will learn step by step guidance in performing e-file manicure.
We will analyse and describe first step "Cuticle push"
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 7. E-file manicure stage. Flam Work
In this video, working with the flame drill bit will be well explained, we will study corect positions of the drill bits during the entire procedure.
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 8. Mistakes working with flame
Mistakes during an e-file manicure can potentially harm the client. There's a risk of injuring the nail bed, cuticles, or surrounding skin. Awareness of mistakes helps in preventing accidental cuts, burns, or over-filing, ensuring the client's safety and comfort and impoving nail health. In this video lesson we will analyse in detail all mistakes working with the flame drill bit.
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 9. E-file manicure stages. Cutticle cut with nippers.
In this course we gonna discus two options how to evalutae cuticle cut, in this video lesson we will train the right positions of the nippers to perfrom a perfect cuticle cut.
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 10. E-file Manicure Stages. Cuticle Cut Polishing.
In this video lesson we will look in detail all techniques of polishing after we evaluate a cuticle cut.
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 11. Cuticle Cut with ball drill bit.
In this video lesson we will look into the right position of the drill bit, to evaluate a perfect looking manicure.
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 12. Mistakes working with the polishing drill bits.
Mistakes during polishing can potentially harm the client skin. Awareness of mistakes helps in preventing accidental cuts, burns, or over-filing, ensuring the client's safety and comfort and impoving nail health. In this video lesson we will analyse in detail all mistakes working with the polishing barrel, ball and silicone drill bits.
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 13. Full E-file manicure with nippers.
In this video lesson we will analyse and describe the full procces of performig a e-file manicure with drill bits and nippers.
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 14. Full E-file manicure without cutting instrument.
In this video lesson we gonna disscus all steps in evaluating a e-file manicure using a ball drill bit to perform the cuticle cut.
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 15. Combinated Manicure & stages
A combinated manicure, involves the the benefits of the e-file manicure technique and classical technique. This method is often used in professional nail salons and by experienced nail technicians.
This video lesson describe the definitions of this type of manicure technique and detaild description of each steage performing this technique. You will understand:
- When we can use combimanicure
- What skin type is suitable for this technique
- Combi manicure stages
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 16. Full Combinated Manicure
This video lesson describes the full procces step by step how to evaluate Combi Manicure.
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 17. Polishing on cuticle oil.
Cuticle polishing is a cosmetic process that involves the removal of the outermost layer of the skin, to achieve smoother and more refined. One of these techniques involves usage of the cuticle oil, after this polishing your clients fingers a smooth and shiny.
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :
Lesson 18. How to work with sensitive cuticle.
Working with sesnitive cuticle we must keep in mind some nuances which will help us to perform safly without harming the client's manicure during procedure
All necessary tools and drill bits you can find on :